Experience: John has led hundreds of teambuilding workshops. Core skills include expert facilitation, conflict mediation and being adept at designing sessions to attain the client’s desired outcomes.
Data-driven: John uses a data-driven approach for teambuildings, typically via interviews, focus groups or surveys. Data is fed-back to develop ownership, readiness, agreements and action plans.
Safety: We help the teams communicate in safe ways and seek to create a culture of inclusion & psychological safety.
Style: Our team buildings typically are fast-paced, interactive, informative, inspiring, relevant, results-oriented, and fun. A variety of styles are used, including presentation, small/ large group discussions, experiential activities, videos, role playing, case studies, scenario planning, and assessment instruments.
Goals: The objective of a team building is to improve the team’s bottom-line performance, climate, and teamwork.
Team buildings aim to create a more cohesive, supportive & trusting group that will have high expectations for task accomplishment & will also respect individual differences in values, personalities, and skills.
The team building strengthens team leadership and team member mindsets and behaviors, addresses issues, and enhances the capacity to manage the day-to-day operations and issues that arise in the future.
Our approach seeks to create a culture of
inclusion and psychological safety.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life
by what we give." - Sir Winston Churchill
High-Performing Team Model: One of the models used by The Gavares Group for assessment is Richard Beckhard’s High-Performing Team Model. The model helps diagnose team functioning, strengths, and areas for improvement, and to develop solutions for improvement.
The core elements of the model are identified below:
The other elements of this model are leadership and communication. These might be referred to as
the life blood of the team or organization.
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